Hyperpigmentation, or facial pigmentation, is the result of excess melanin in our body. It's one of the most common skin conditions in India, as we are designed that way. As compared to foreigners, we produce more melanin. In some people, melanin production is higher than average, which leads to pigmentation. Apart from that, acne, sun damage, and hormonal issues can also trigger facial pigmentation.
The good news is that Dr. Renuka, the lady skin doctor in Ghaziabad, can help you alleviate hyperpigmentation problems. There are different treatments that you can opt for at Rejuvenus. With her help, you will get closer to the days where you won't need concealer to hide the unwanted pigments. Her guidance will keep you informed throughout the treatment to make sure that you know what you are going through.
She is the best skin specialist in Ghaziabad and has led many people to pigment-free years. She is an expert at treating facial pigmentation and always goes to the root cause of it to ensure that the treatment is aligned with the cause. With her competent team, she leads different result-oriented pigmentation treatments and aces each one of them flawlessly. Book your appointment today to understand more about your pigmentation problem and make informed choices.
Book your appointment today with our expert dermatologist for a perfect diagnosis & medical advice at Rejuvenus Skin Centre. Consultation is available both online and offline.